October Siberians
Vermont Sled Dog Rides & Adventures
Say "Yes" to life, embrace your passions, explore the possibilities,
welcome the adventure, and go for it!

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Meet the October Siberians Team
The October Siberians are pure bred (AKC registered) Siberian Huskies. Our dogs come from reputable sled dog kennels and from the breeding of our best dogs. A good personality is a requirement when we breed; plenty of socialization of our puppies leads to dogs that are well balanced and good around strangers and children. Most of the dogs on our team are a result of our upbringing and training. We take great pride in our sled dogs and seeing them perform is an amazing sight. We are committed to the dogs we bring into our kennel (and the world), by either providing them a lifetime home with us, or placing them in a good home. We enjoy naming our puppies and in most cases they are music-related. If you ride with us, you may be tested on how the names were chosen!
Our Boys
Our Girls
Gone But Not Forgotten


Puppy Test:
Can you match the puppy below to the Dog above?
Not all dogs are represented below, as some where bought as adults or pre-digital imaging.
The Boys

The Girls

Still at it! Then here are the dogs that came before.
