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Annalee 13 month

Annalee 13 month

Annalee 13 month

Annalee 13 month

Annalee 8 weeks

Annalee 8 weeks

October's Sweet Annalee


This name fits her well, coming from a family tree of very sweet dogs.  Annalee borned on October 1st 2012 is one of nine in her litter.  In evaluating pups we often find the better dog and leaders is that pup that does not engage as much and sits back and watchs.  In her first year of running (2013) she made it up front to lead an 8 to 10 team and is now one of our reliable leaders.  At the start of her second year of running (2014) she had to take a break for minor surgery - I will spare you the details. You would think the reward of house time to recover would be great, but our sled dogs just want to be out in the kennel with the rest of the pack.  Christine, kennel help, took a liking to Annalee, and began agility training with her, where Anna pick it up quickly.  To fit the music theme "Annalee" is a song title by Sonia Dada -- Great grandma is name Sonia. 

October's Cajun Sonny

Roo's Montoya Northrunner WD

Four Wind Houdini

October’s Wild Blue Hiatt

North Wapiti's Mr Snuffleupagus

Sergie's Zelda Jakovna

October’s Solar Sonia

Kodiak’s Action Jackson

Kodiak's Utah

Kodiak's Yannicka

Kodiak's Flyer II

Alkasiber's Mighty Micro

Four Wind Wambli

Samoht's Jack

North Wapiti's Ginger Grant

Meomar's Blunder

Sergie's Nymbis Merlinovna SD

CAN CH Sergie's Jakon Tukovitch

Kodiak's Yannicka

Kodiak's Frost II

Kodiak's Faradela

Kodiak's Nabraska II

Meomar's Miss Liberty

Chuchinka's Shawn Boy SD

Meomar's Cat Balou

Meomar's Independence

Mali Haida of Kodiak CAN SD

Kodiak's Merlin X

Sergei's Weejah Questovna

Tuktoyaktuk's of Naasuk SD

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